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Support at the EmPOWER Center

Counseling, Advocacy, Drop-In Hours, Support Groups


The Center provides free, confidential advocacy and support to 7C students impacted by sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. 

1. Free, Virtual Counseling:

EmPOWER collaborates with a community agency, the Lavender Healing Collective, to provide counseling sessions to 7C survivors of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. Appointments are available without a long wait. To schedule, simply call 424.542.8880 or complete the form at and identify yourself as a "Claremont Colleges student."

Sessions are:

  • Confidential (involves no reporting to colleges)

  • Free and unlimited

  • Open to all gender identities

  • For students who experienced these forms of violence, recently or in the past

2. Free, Virtual Support Groups

Confidential, weekly virtual support groups for survivors of sexual assault and dating/domestic violence are offered every semester. Groups are open to students of all gender identities. Group flyers are posted here and on our Instagram within a few weeks of the start of each semester.   


3. Additional Confidential Support

The director of EmPOWER, Rima Shah, is a confidential advocate. She can meet with students (or their friends) impacted by sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking for 1-2 sessions to provide care and support, provide information about resources/options available, and help navigate on- and off-campus resources. To schedule, email Rima at

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